суббота, 7 апреля 2012 г.

Тест по английскому языку 10 класс

Unit 2. Test 2A

I.                   Choose the right version.
  1. The US Government has … branches.
a) three                          b) four                            c) five

  1. The highest law in the USA which describes the powers of the national government and the powers of the state governments is …
a) the Congress             b) the Constitution          c) the President
  1. The Congress meets in … in Washington D.C.
a) the White House       b) the Pentagon               c) the US Capitol
  1. The official head of state in the UK is …
a) the Queen                 b) the Prime Minister       c) Parliament
  1. The Queen … the bills.
a) signs                         b) votes on                       c) passes
  1. The government of the UK represents the … branch of power.
a) legislative                 b) representative              c) executive
  1. … guarantees the basic rights of the people in Russia.
a) The President           b) The Duma                    c) The Federal Assembly
  1. … elect the members of the Federal Assembly.
a) The Government      b) The people                   c) The President
  1. The Chairman in Russia is …
a) elected                      b) invited                         c) appointed

II.                Circle the correct words in the sentences.
  1. The first ten amendments to the (Constitutional/ Constitution) are called the Bill of Rights.
  2. The Congress is a meeting of (representatives/represents) from all states.
  3. I’m no (judge/judicial) of music but I know what I like.
  4. The members of the House of Lords (opposition/oppose) decisions of the House of Commons.
  5. The Cabinet determines government (policies/politicians).
 Test 2B
I.                   Choose the right version.
  1. People who work in the US Senate are called senators and people who work in the House of Representatives are called…
a) housemen                  b) congressmen               c) members of Parliament
  1. There are … senators than congressmen in the US Congress.
a) more                          b) a lot of more               c) fewer
  1. The US President’s term is …
a) 2 years                      b) 4 years                         c) 6 years
  1. The British Prime Minister is the leader of the party with majority seats in  …
a) the House of Lords   b) the House of Commons
  1. … makes laws in the UK.
a) The House of Commons      b) The House of Lords   c) The Cabinet
  1. The Cabinet of the British Government consists of …
a) the members of Parliament          b) about twenty ministers
  1. The Russian President is elected by …
a) the people                 b) the Supreme Court      c) the Duma
  1. The Duma consists of … deputies.
a) 540                            b) 450                             c) 400
  1. In Russia … can declare laws unconstitutional.
a) the President             b) the Supreme Court     c) the Constitutional Court

II.                Circle the correct words in the sentences.

  1. The first ten amendments to the (Constitutional/ Constitution) are called the Bill of Rights.
  2. The Congress is a meeting of (representatives/represents) from all states.
  3. I’m no (judge/judicial) of music but I know what I like.
  4. The members of the House of Lords (opposition/oppose) decisions of the House of Commons.
  5. The Cabinet determines government (policies/politicians).

Test 2C
I.                   Choose the right version.
  1. There are … judges in US Supreme Court.
a) nine                            b) eleven                        c) thirteen
  1. The judges work in the Supreme Court …
a) twenty years              b) one year                     c) as long as they live
  1. The first ten amendments to the US Constitution are called …
a) the Bill of Citizens    b) the Bill of Freedom   c) the Bill of Rights
  1. The British Parliament represents the … branch of power.
a) legislative                  b) representative            c) executive
  1. The House of Commons … the government.
a) appoints                     b) controls                     c) chooses
  1. The members of the House of Lords are …
a) elected                       b) non-elected                c) appointed
  1. The Russian President is elected by …
a) the people                 b) the Supreme Court      c) the Duma
  1. In Russia … can declare laws unconstitutional.
a) the President             b) the Supreme Court     c) the Constitutional Court
  1. The Chairman in Russia is …
a) elected                      b) invited                         c) appointed

II.                Circle the correct words in the sentences.

  1. Who is going to (representative/represent) our country at the international conference?
  2. There are nine (judge/judicial) in the US Supreme Court.
  3. In the 1534 the (Parliamentary/Parliament) named Henry VIII the head of the Church in England.
  4. Americans (elect/elected) the President in November of every leap year.
  5. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional (monarchy/monarch).

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