суббота, 7 апреля 2012 г.

Past Simple и Present Perfect

Урок английского языка по УМК Кузовлева В.П. и др. в 5 классе.
Обобщение изученного материала по теме: Past Simple и Present Perfect.

  1. Оргмомент.
- Good morning!
- Who is on duty today?
- What day is it today?
- What date is it today?
- Today at our lesson we repeat Simple Past and Present Perfect.

  1. Фонетическая зарядка.
-          I have some words. You must to say which of them we use in Simple Past and which in Present Perfect and stick them in the right column.
Yesterday, just, last month, did, already, never, have been, were, before, long ago.

  1. Основная часть урока.
-          What do you know about these tenses? (ответы учащихся)
-          Now look at the blackboard. Read these sentences and make negative forms and ask questions.
На доске:
I’ve seen the film. I haven’t seen this film. Have you seen this film?
We went to the cinema yesterday. We didn’t go to the cinema yesterday. Where did you go yesterday?
They had English last Monday. They didn’t have English last Monday .Did they have English last Monday?
We have been to Scotland. We haven’t been to Scotland. Have we been in Scotland?
John ate a lot of sweets. John didn’t eat a lot of sweets. Did he eat a lot of sweets?
Jane took my book. Jane didn’t take my book. Did she take my book?
(упражнение выполняется устно)

-          Well done. And now next task. Look at the blackboard and fill the gaps with have or has.
1)      She _____ got many friends.
2)      Perry _____ written his letter.
3)      They _____ got good marks.
4)      We ______ taken these books home.
5)      He _____ never been to Wales.
(упражнение выполняется письменно в тетрадях)

- OK. And now let’s play. Who can name more irregular verbs?
(один ряд называет три формы неправильного глагола, другая команда переводит и называет свои три формы неправильного глагола)

-          Good. And now look at this task. Fill the gaps, using Simple Past or Present Perfect.
1) He ________ never ________ to Africa.        a) was             b) has been
2) They _______ their holidays in the country last summer.     a) have spent       b) spent
3) Last year we _______ this town.                    a) visited         b) have visited
4) She _______ the film already.                        a) has seen      b) saw
5) She ________ here a year ago.                       a) has come     b) came
(упражнение выполняется письменно в тетради)
-          Well done.

  1. Подведение итогов урока.
- В чем заключается основное  различие между настоящим совершенным и простым прошедшим временем?

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