среда, 4 апреля 2012 г.

What do you know about your family?

Урок английского языка в 6 классе.
Обобщающий урок по теме ”What do you know about your family?”

Цель: Обобщение грамматического материала цикла по теме Past Perfect, совершенствование навыков употребления в Past Perfect, Simple Past,  закрепление усвоенной лексики.
Развитие способности к анализу, к сравнению и сопоставлению, самостоятельности
Воспитание уважительного отношения к своей семье, к её истории, к своим предкам, родителям.

Ход урока:
  1. Оргмомент.
-Good morning, children!
- Who is duty today?
- What date is it today?
- Today we have guests. At our lesson we will repeat Past Perfect and will remember Simple Past.

  1. Фонетическая зарядка.
-          Look at the blackboard. This is a rhyme but there are not some words. You must put them in this rhyme. How do you think what are these? (irregular verbs)
-          You have this rhyme on your desk. Write irregular verbs in gaps.
Let’s go ahead.
Read – read - ___________.
Do – did - __________.
To learn them is not fun!
Go – went - __________
I must go on.
Be, was, were - ________
The end is not seen.
Come – came - _________
Please, help me, mum!
Have – had - __________
Oh, help me, Dad!
Drink – drank - __________
I shall be sunk.
In so many a word.
Hear – heard - ________
Fly – flew - ___________
Must they be known?
Catch –  caught - ___________
Why must they be taught?
Burn – burnt – burnt
Why must they be learnt?
(учащиеся вписывают 3-ю форму неправильных глаголов, затем – чтение стихотворения)
- Why must we learn these verbs?
- When do we use them? (in Past Perfect)

  1. Основная часть урока.
-          Vanya, tell us, please, about Past Perfect.
-          Well done! Thanks! (на доску вывешивается схема had + V3).
-          And what tense we use with Past Perfect in sentence? (Simple Past)
-          Sasha, tell us about Simple Past, please. (на доске V2, Ved)
-          Work in pairs. You must fill gaps right forms of verb, using Simple Past. (учащиеся работают в парах по карточкам, затем проверяют полученные варианты)

На доске:
pie - пирог
to steal (stole-stolen)– красть
to laugh (прав.гл.) - смеяться
Who __________ (to made) the pie? – I did.
Who __________ (to steal) the pie? – He did.
Who __________ (to find) the pie? – She did.
Who __________ (to eat) the pie? – You did.
Who __________ (to cry) for the pie? – We all did.
Who __________ (to laugh) at us? – They all did.
Who __________ (not to want) the pie? – It did not.
Why? – It __________ (to be) a cat.
And the pie ________ (to be) a lemon pie.

-          Good.

  1. Работа в рабочей тетради.
-  And now open your activity book page 71, ex.1.
-  Read the task and Grammar in Focus.
(письменное выполнение упражнения, обратить внимание на before).
-          OK.

  1. Работа с культуроведческим материалом.
-          And now look at the blackboard. Match names and their professions.

Horatio Nelson
Geraldine Chaplin
William Shakespeare
Brandon Lee
Elvis Presley
Roald Dahl

-          Who of them are British?
-          Who was Geraldine Chaplin, Brendan Lee, Elvis Presley?
-          Well done. And now we will know any others famous people. Look at page 72 ex.2 in Activity Book.
-          Read information about them in LCG and write their nationalities.
(письменное выполнение упражнения)

-          And what is your nationality? (I’m Russian)
-          Tell us, please, about you. (рассказы детей о себе по анкете)
My name is …
I was born on …
I started to walk …
I spoke my first word …
I learned to read …
I learned to write …
I study at … Form. …

  1. Домашнее задание – подготовиться к тесту
  2. Подведение итогов урока.
-          What did we remember today at our lesson?
-          For your good work I want to give you a little, but very important present.

Дополнительное задание.          

1. Составить  слова из букв. Make words from these letters.

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