воскресенье, 8 апреля 2012 г.

Usually and now

Урок английского языка в 5 классе на тему:
”Usually and now” (обобщающий урок)
Цель: Обобщение грамматического материала цикла по теме Present Simple, Present Progressive, совершенствование навыков употребления в указанных временах, закрепление усвоенной лексики.
Развитие командного духа соревнования, воспитание способности коллективного выполнения задания.
Развитие способности к анализу, к сравнению и сопоставлению.

Ход урока:
-          Good morning, children!
-          Today our lesson is consolidation. And it is unusual. Firstly, we have guests today. Say them Good morning. Secondly, we will have a competition between two teams today. We will play.
-          But before look at the blackboard and read these poems:

На доске
I often get up early.
I often watch TV.
I often say some funny words.
I often drink some tea.

We are standing, standing now.
We are sitting, sitting now.
We are looking, looking up.
We are speaking, speaking well.

-          What can you say about these poems?
-          And at our lesson we will try to remember Simple Present and Present Progressive.
-          This row will be first team and that – second. For your right answer you will get a point. Are you ready to begin our game?
-          But first give a name of your team.
-          So, first team is … .         Second team is … .
-          Let’s begin. And first task. You must say about Simple Present and Present Progressive. What do you know about them? … and … come here and choose a sheet of paper. So, you tell us about Present Simple and about Present Progressive.
(учащиеся рассказывают о временах глагола – когда используется, образование вопросительной и отрицательной формы, примеры). And now open your books at page 197, read Grammar Hint and check you.

-          Well done! And now our next task. …, come here and take card with task. Read it.
(Ученики читают задание и выполняют задание)
Card 1.

Подчеркните слова и словосочетания, которые употребляются в Simple Present.
1.      usually
2.      now
3.      by 10 o’clock
4.      every day
5.      often
6.      at this moment
7.      often
8.      always
9.      sometimes
10.  at that moment

Подчеркните слова и словосочетания, которые употребляются в Present Progressive.
1.      usually
2.      now
3.      by 10 o’clock
4.      every day
5.      often
6.      at this moment
7.      often
8.      always
9.      sometimes
10.  at that moment

-          Good! Task 3. One pupil from each team goes to the blackboard and does this task. Label the pictures. (два ученика из разных команд соотносят рисунок и слова-указатели).

Never, sometimes, always, seldom, often

-           And you at this time translate please these words: every day, a festival, иногда, всегда, a symbol, to take part in, ловить рыбу, часто, comfortable, a train.

-          Well done! Now look at the blackboard. Fill these gaps with right form of verb.

На доске
1) He _____ to school every day.        goes/is going
2) They ____ English now.    learn/ are learning
3) Igor _____ football every Sunday. plays/is playing
4) Jane _____ the piano now.   plays/playing
5) We usually _____ part in a horse race.     take/ are taking
6) Look! They _____ the competitions.   win/are winning
(участники команд по очереди выходят к доске и выполняют задание с объяснением)

-          OK! Our next task – make negative sentences and read them.
Card 2.
1.      I often play with my sister.
2.      She plays the piano very well.
3.      Sometimes they go to the cinema.
4.      I go to school every day.
5.      The sheep are eating grass in the field.
6.      The boys are playing football now.
7.      The girls are dancing now.
8.      The cat is jumping at this moment.

-          And our last task – ask each other questions in Simple Present and Present Progressive and answer them.

-          Well done! You managed with all tasks. Who is winner today? Congratulations! I’m sorry but you’ve lost. Better luck next time.

-          Thanks for your work. Our lesson is over. Good bye!

Подчеркните слова и словосочетания, которые употребляются в Simple Present.
1.     usually
2.     now
3.     by 10 o’clock
4.     every day
5.     often
6.     at this moment
7.     often
8.     always
9.     sometimes
10.      at that moment

Подчеркните слова и словосочетания, которые употребляются в Present Progressive
1.     usually
2.     now
3.     by 10 o’clock
4.     every day
5.     often
6.     at this moment
7.     often
8.     always
9.     sometimes
10.           at that moment

Card 2.
1.     I often play with my sister.
2.     She plays the piano very well.
3.     Sometimes they go to the cinema.
4.     I go to school every day.
5.     The sheep are eating grass in the field.
6.     The boys are playing football now.
7.     The girls are dancing now.
8.     The cat is jumping at this moment.

Card 2.
1.       I often play with my sister.
2.           She plays the piano very well.
3.           Sometimes they go to the cinema.
4.           I go to school every day.
5.           The sheep are eating grass in the field.
6.           The boys are playing football now.
7.           The girls are dancing now.
8.           The cat is jumping at this moment.

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